17 September 2009

The Google Secret

Google had the secret! There are those that know? Possibly blom many that tau ato even already know all? Yes this cuman for friends that felt nganggur and pengen a little mengeksplor the capacity that was owned google. Along with 6 (six) the secret that will be explained by me:

1. Enter the word “googoth” To the box of the text, then pressed the switch “I’m Feeling Lucky”. You will immediately be brought entered to google layout that was dark and was impressed gothic.

2. Enter the word “ewmew fudd” To the box of the text, then pressed the switch “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Temen2 akan segera dibawa masuk ke tampilan google dengan teks versi tokoh Elmer Fudd dari Warner Bros.

3. Enter the word “xx-klingon”To the box of the text, then pressed the switch “I’m Feeling Lucky”. You will Immediately was brought entered to google layout with the ethnic group's Klingon language.

4. Enter the word “google bsd” To the box of the text, then pressed the switch “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Please pay attention to the icon google that normally becomes the BSD icon.

5. Enter the word “google linux” To the box of the text, then pressed the switch “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Please pay attention to the icon google that normally becomes the linux icon.

6. Enter the word “google easter egg” To the box of the text, then pressed the switch “I’m Feeling Lucky”. You will be offered with tampilan the seeker's machine google by one game caught the Easter egg, where you could control the movement of this rabbit.

2 komentar:

Hey Visitor Where Do You Come From ?

Apa Yang Ingin Anda Cari ???